• 19/04/2024 12:41 AM

testata giornalistica – reg. Trib. terr. n. 2/2010

Damien Rice a Parigi per Amnesty

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  • Berlino: Amnesty International premia il Nadeem Centre per la lotta contro le torture in Egitto. Tra gli ospiti Damien Rice e Cantus Domus

Berlino: Amnesty International premia il Nadeem Centre per la lotta contro le torture in Egitto. Tra gli ospiti Damien Rice e Cantus Domus

read it in English here: http://www.riocarnivalfanzine.com/wordpress/amnestys-9th-human-rights-award-goes-to-nadeem-centre-in-egypt-damien-rice-and-cantus-domus-performed-in-berlin-at-the-ceremony/ Amnesty International Germania ha onorato il Nadeem Centre for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence and Torture del Cairo per la sua lotta decennale contro…

Damien Rice performed in Paris for Amnesty International

A tribute to Eleanor Roosevelt was arranged by Bill Shipsey, a human rights activist, lifelong member of Amnesty International and founder of Art for Amnesty to celebrate the 70th anniversary…

Damien Rice a Parigi per Amnesty International

read it in English here: http://www.riocarnivalfanzine.com/wordpress/damien-rice-performed-in-paris-for-amnesty-international/ Un concerto tributo ad Eleanor Roosevelt, quello di ieri all’Olympia di Parigi, organizzato da Bill Shipsey fondatore di Art for Amnesty ed attivista dei…